Residential and Commercial Services

Ultra Low Volume Fogging

ULV fogging is used predominately for the application of disinfectants. Our ULV fogging machines generate a fog formed of Ultra Low Volume (ULV) droplets between 5-50 microns (μm) in diameter. Studies have shown droplets of this size are ideal to tackle and kill pathogens, vector carriers and viruses. The Electrostatic Fogger offers 360 degree disinfecting coverage meaning when we spray one side of an object or surface, the cleaning prowess extends all the way around it. Our product provides a broad spectrum to eliminate bacteria and Human Coronavirus in both the air and on surfaces.  This is for anyone who wants a deeper disinfecting.

Protecting your home or business

We all know the importance of keeping surfaces disinfected, especially during cold and flu season, however, this takes disinfecting to a new level. Your home or office should be a safe place and this service will help you disinfect to a new level.  

The Process

When we arrive at your home or business, we are equipped with proper personal protection equipment (PPE) and we will disinfect your entire home or business from ceiling to floor using the fogging technique.  PPE is not required with the cleaning products we use, however we want to make sure we protect your property.  This is simply an extra safety precaution for you.  

The Results

Fogging technology allows us to maximize the surface area we’re coating and efficiently distribute the product.  The process will reduce or eliminate microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, mold, and mildew. 

Fogging service, unlike conventional cleaning, kills all but 0.0001% of bacteria, fungi and viruses.  Conventional cleaning is not enough to get rid of MRSA however fogging is effective at removing MRSA and kills a wide range of pathogens.

While disinfecting and deodorizing at the same time, there is no need to wipe and rinse after the fogging is complete.  Fogging leaves your premises as infection-free as is possible and you can reopen  just 10 minutes after treatment.